Friday 1 January 2016

Oh Santa, I was a really good boy...

No matter how good you've been at this time of year it's about food abundance.  Surrounded by the offerings of an early dry summer the raspberries and blueberries are hitching a ride from their roadside stalls to be shared from the back seat of the car on the journey home.  Our not so early mornings are becoming accustomed to the sound of small bus or car on gravel of our driveway indicating another load of lost fruit pickers.  Our hearts go out to their day of hard graft at the mercy of unforgiving sun and underestimated physically hard job.  Our veggie patch provides its selections of small flavoursome tomatoes and zucchini by the truck load.  We're struggling to keep up with the supply.  Zucchini (or Courgette for some) fritters and zucchini frittata will keep pace with the egg supply before we succumb to zucchini slice or worse yet...zucchini surprise.  The tomatoes are slow roasting in the oven and will provide for multiple menus and the left over brie will slide off the fritters with not much effort at all.  The rhubarb is close to being slaughtered and the basil for once doesn't resemble a green stalk installation.  And of course the ham.  With everything. Yum.

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