Friday 23 October 2015

Who votes for the outdoor decking and a patio?

Not wanting to break up a chicken conference I did stop by to wonder what the topic was.  We don't know much about chickens.  They hold all the knowledge and we don't ask questions.  We didn't even know what sex they were until it was too late.  We were warned about having too many roosters.  We probably do have too many.  But they've worked it out.  Each one has a job to do.  Some manage this better than others but they all get along.  Now spring has arrived and we've got a whole bunch more.  And more on the way after those.  New pens will need to be erected with sufficient perching and nesting requirements.  A dark room for laying, warm areas for the winter months, a library, an indoor/outdoor kitchen and home entertainment room - or not.
Being of the pekin variety they are not too disruptive to gardens and whilst they will redistribute your bark chip coverings liberally they won't really dig up much.  They did wonders on ending the grasshopper plague that destroyed my kale.  But then they ate the kale.  This year I'll be netting a little earlier.  So with a booming chicken community we'll be abundant with small fresh creamy golden eggs.  Just better get the home reno people in soon.

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