It turned very cold very fast. The morning air froze and the sun revealed a layer of white crunch underfoot on the grass. Then it rained. And kept raining. Today, it's raining still. A weather pattern from the east they say. Gotta blame someone. Muddy paw prints are a constant on the kitchen floor as number one son sports a smashing red doggie puffer jacket but alas no gumboots. Can't convince him to leave the pre-loved bone on the back step and so forced to decide between bone and inside wood fire. He chooses bone. I'll never understand dogs. My barley boils on the stove, the desire to go down the ancient grain route may result in a bonus for the chooks as my superfood is taking super long to cook. I've had a pulse influenced weekend with a red lentil soup that was enticed into flavour by garam marsala and ground cardamon. For someone who is notoriously bad at soup making I did pleasantly surprise myself, and with much gratitude to Elizabeth David. A purchased pumpkin from the Hobart Farmgate market will be roasted tonight with some every reliable thyme from the veggie patch still vibrant, where all other herbs have accepted their redundancy and terminated. Two pieces of salmon that came over the fence rather than upstream will be pan fried followed by a plan to clean out my stove filters in the coming days. Ah winter. Now back to the bloody buggery barley.
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