Monday, 20 June 2016

A night after dark

Thank you to the very wonderful and creative people who put together the Winter Feast as part of the Dark Mofo event.  To bring together so many people on a cold and wet Friday night for a showcase of art and food is sheer brilliance and no doubt much hard work.  Our hearts went out to the stall holders spending hard days prepping and nights on their feet doing the same service delivering a seamless experience.  What must have originated from an out-there idea has resulted in a yearly event that is loved and growing in attendance.  We had a night in town free from farmyard noises and demands.  Whilst it was bliss to know that someone was cooking my breakfast in the morning I missed the early call of roosters and the sleeping lump of ragdoll at the end of the bed.  Our city stay reminded us that there is life beyond sun down and sometimes it's ok to let someone turn down your bed.  We soon returned the following day to grumpy faced cocker spaniel and where the hell have you been chicken looks.  Well worth it though.

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