Monday, 4 November 2019

Nurse Minnie to the rescue - of her own bed

Could have been something he ate?  Not sure.  A night in the emergency Vet Hospital and $1200 later, he comes home to sleep it off as Nurse Minnie oversees the sleeping patient.  And whilst I'd like to think that his nurse is more concerned about his welfare than the fact he's on her bed, I could be a bit wrong.  It's so hard when your beloved animals are unwell.  They can't speak to tell you which bit hurts so you have to make a lot of assumptions and pay a lot of money to have every possibility eliminated.  We thought it might have been something he stole from the chook pen, like too much bread, pastry etc., or could have been some of the old eggs he finds around the property, that only he knows the location of.  Either way, he wasn't travelling at all well and didn't get up for an entire day.  He was not eating or drinking which was not his style so we needed to make a call.  He seemed to be in some sort of pain in the rear end region but we couldn't say exactly, which made us think it could be a bite or injury.  We know if it was snake bite we wouldn't be standing around scratching our heads, and he most likely wouldn't be still around to see us do that.  So a late night visit to some wonderful staff at the Hobart Vet Hospital who kept us well informed during the night.  X-Rays, examinations, medication.  Nothing found, a few digestive issues but at least we could rule out the sinister possibilities.  He's home now and fast asleep as the medication from this morning will keep him confined to bed for the day.  As for his full time carer - unfortunately she's asleep on the job and officially stood down.  Very unreliable.

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