Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Max still likes his garments pressed well

Since moving to this property our clothing attire has changed somewhat.  Before moving here we used to stroll to the local bayside coffee shops and sit amongst our stylish neighbourhood folk dressed in designer Lycra, regardless of participating in anything more active than steering the B-double pram with the dual coffee holders down the street.  We were the same.  Except instead of the pram we pulled along the designer Cocker Spaniel sporting his highly groomed, spaniel feathered look.  Oh my, how we've changed.  I now knock around in a pair of jeans which contain enough organic matter to be considered decent compost, I bought clothes from last year's AgFest and everyday I wear a pair runners with a hole poking out in the toe.  I'm even considering putting gaffer tape over the hole so I can avoid buying a new pair.  But worse still, I own two flanno's that make me look like a lumpy picnic rug, and my range of hand knitted woolly hats has multiplied including one with Suffolk sheep on it.  What went wrong?  I used to be someone of style and substance.  Well there has certainly been a reduction in the dry cleaning bills.  But the ironing hasn't reduced somehow.  Even with Max's help.


  1. Ironing? What is that?

    Only one hole in the runners? You need to wait until there are at least 4 holes in each. Then you can splurge on a new pair ;-)

  2. I love reading posts like this. They make me think I am not a freak after all ;). I used to be "normal" but now I am not. Some of the things we do here I wouldn't talk about in polite company. We wear a motley collective of what could loosely be called "clothing" at any given time and admire your shoe with a single hole. We skipped straight to crocs with lots of holes in them (no smell) and when we have finished with them (they have worn out in the soles) the dogs get them as chew toys. The problem is stopping the dogs from eating their chew toys prior to them wearing out. The real difference I can see in your routine is that you still iron. I no longer know where our iron is. I guess that's because we have dogs instead of cats?

    1. Love the recycling of the shoes idea. Unfortunately our very pampered cocker spaniel would probably pass on the option to chew one of my shoes, 'Oh, it's ok thanks, I'm good'.
