Thursday, 5 November 2015

Same same but different

So how different really is it for you to move from a heavily populated and almost uppity bayside village where puffer jackets are numerous and lattes are soy?  My view from the window is of a road that has not so much luxury people movers but movers with more leg room - and more legs.  There are trucks not jeeps, loaded with feed not groceries and the white Ute is the vehicle of choice for the discerning working dog who never gets to see inside.  Puppy school is non existent as a dog's life starts on the back of a tractor.  He learns quick and is not terribly fussed about grooming as rolling in something dead is the highlight of the day.  We're learning at breakneck speed.  We know our pink eye's from our kennebecs where in our previous home our potatoes were not grown and named just scanned and packed.  We've learnt about mounding up soil and the constant quest for water in a dry place.  We've learnt what's old news for so many around us.  Knowledge from living off the land is an under valued source like water, you can never have too much of it when you need it.  We knew about peak hour traffic that goes all day and e-tags and e-tickets but they were soon forgotten in a world of water tanks and fire boxes in winter.  No flick of a switch but chopping, splitting, and a worthwhile moment between man and dog as they stare at the first flames to take on a newly stacked fire.  So yes, a different world for us but the same same for the oak tree that sits out the front that remembers the first world war.  We're just a different set of caretakers.

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