A fabulous morning at Bream Creek Farmers Market with bread just baked, apples just picked and coffee just brewed. With a shared small blueberry and almond tart on a picnic table, what could be better. The market is gearing up for its annual ball, the Bream Creek Show. The animal nursery got a dress rehearsal today with guinea pigs and ducklings getting a rough going over by some small and cautious hands. The white Silkie chicken just looked plain annoyed - as they often do. The green hills around in all directions provide a watercolour landscape with a soft haze on an Autumn, feels like end of Summer, kind of day. A guitar plugged in and a smooth voice provides warmth for the soul while beanbags offer comfort for the rear. A bottle or two from the local winery and a trolley full of gatherings are loaded into the back of the car, and home to enjoy the bounty. It's not quite Easter yet but the freshly baked hot cross buns have no hope of going past Labour Day. These buns were light, with some spice and no traces of hard orange rind bits. They were baked from beginning to end by the same person as opposed to the factory kind that start life as a pre-mix then are transported to an outlet who only finish them off in an oven. That's the one thing I love about farmers market, it's the real deal. The apple lady said that her apples were chemical free, and the tiny grub graffiti was the stamp of authenticity to that. If you can, support your local farmers market at every opportunity. There's nothing par baked about them.